Social Security

Social Security

Contributors Featured Income Lifestyle Retirement Social Security

This retirement planning gap is ‘hidden in plain sight,’ Harvard professor says

For many people, retirement planning is all about money: how to invest, how much to save, when to claim Social Security, how to best withdraw from accounts. Finances in retirement are an acute fear. ...
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Social Security 2025 COLA Update as Seniors Get Grim News

n expert has predicted a drop in the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Social Security benefits in 2025. Mary Johnson, an independent Social Security and Medicare analyst, has said ...
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Advisors Contributors Retirement Social Security

House Republican budget calls for raising the retirement age for Social Security

WASHINGTON — A new budget by a large and influential group of House Republicans calls for raising the Social Security retirement age for future retirees and restructuring Medicare. ...
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To save Social Security, they may come for your 401(k)

It looks like we had better ramp up our 401(k) and IRA contributions to the absolute max while we still can, folks. That means a full $30,000 this ...
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A New Bill Aims to Fix Social Security by Eliminating Taxes on Benefits

Asmall group of lawmakers wants to eliminate taxes on Social Security benefits as part of a proposal they claim could help fund the flagging program. Rep. Angie Craig, ...
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Social Security – Beware The Annual Earnings Limitation

The earliest most people can apply for Social Security benefits is 62. You can apply for survivor benefits at age 60 and not married. Whenever you apply for ...
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Contributors Featured Income Retirement Social Security US

Seven Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Goal Age to Collect Social Security

An important player in your overall retirement plan, Social Security can help fund your living expenses when you’re no longer able to work or are working reduced hours. ...
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Contributors Featured Income Retirement Social Security

3 Big Social Security Changes Taking Effect in 2024 That Retirees Must Know

KEY POINTS Social Security benefits will get a modest cost-of-living adjustment in 2024, such that the average retired worker will receive an extra $59 per month. The maximum ...
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Contributors Featured Income Retirement Social Security

Social Security COLA 2024: What to Do With the Extra Money

If you’re retired and receiving Social Security benefits, you may be aware that your income and expenses could change in the coming months. Each year, the Social Security Administration ...
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Contributors Featured Income Retirement Social Security

Social Security: Here’s How To Find Out Early How Much Your COLA Increase Is

If you want to figure out how much your Social Security checks will be after the COLA increase without having to wait until then, consider using the 3.2% ...
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