

Annuities Contributors Featured Retirement

7 High-Return, Low-Risk Investments for Retirees

A fixed index annuity is one of the best strategies for generating low-risk cash flow in a volatile economy, some experts say. Once an investor locks in the current ...
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Contributors Featured Retirement Taxes US

How Will the 2024 Election Impact Your Retirement?

In times of great change, it is only natural for people to wonder and worry. Without perspective, it morphs into wondering and worrisome-driven decisions or indecision. A general ...
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Annuities Contributors Featured Income Retirement Taxes

The Stunning Problem With The 4% Retirement Income Rule In One Chart

Are you in the “retirement bubble”? The retirement bubble is the few years leading up to retirement and the first few years in retirement when your retirement nest ...
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Annuities Contributors Featured Income Insurance Retirement

BlackRock unveils its answer to the looming retirement crisis

The asset management giant announced Wednesday that it has launched a new retirement income solution, LifePath Paycheck, now accessible within defined contribution plans. This innovative approach, which combines a ...
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Contributors Featured Insurance Money Retirement Taxes

Nine Lessons to Be Learned From the Hilton Family Trust Contest

This article discusses the contest of Barron Hilton’s family trust, which centers on changes made by Barron Hilton after the death of his wife, Marilyn. Barron gave 97% ...
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Featured Retirement Taxes

YOUR MONEY Some retirement savers can still get a ‘special tax credit,’ IRS says — but most don’t claim it

Some retirement savers can still snag an extra tax incentive for 2023. However, most eligible filers don’t claim it, according to the IRS. The retirement savings contribution credit, or “saver’s ...
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Annuities Contributors Featured Retirement

7 Low-Risk Investments With High Returns for Retirees

The S&P 500 is up 15.4% in the three months ending Jan. 23, while both inflation and mortgage lending rates seem to be coming down. Yet household costs remain high ...
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Featured Income Retirement Taxes

Americans have poor understanding of retirement income planning

Most respondents to a new study by the American College of Financial Services had a poor understanding of how to plan for the finances they will need in retirement. Results ...
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Contributors Featured Retirement Social Security Taxes

To save Social Security, they may come for your 401(k)

It looks like we had better ramp up our 401(k) and IRA contributions to the absolute max while we still can, folks. That means a full $30,000 this ...
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Contributors Featured Income Retirement Social Security Taxes

A New Bill Aims to Fix Social Security by Eliminating Taxes on Benefits

Asmall group of lawmakers wants to eliminate taxes on Social Security benefits as part of a proposal they claim could help fund the flagging program. Rep. Angie Craig, ...
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