Boomer’s remorse: Here are the top 5 ‘big money’ purchases you’ll (probably) really regret in retirement

Boomer’s remorse: Here are the top 5 ‘big money’ purchases you’ll (probably) really regret in retirement

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Boomer's remorse: Here are the top 5 ‘big money’ purchases you’ll (probably) really regret in retirement

Financial planners cite three retirement phases: Go-Go, Slow-Go and No-Go. In the Go-Go years, typically 65 to 75, healthy young retirees spend big on travel, hobbies and scratching life-long dreams off their bucket list. Retirees are less active between 76 and 85 in the Slow-Go years, and tend to spend their No-Go years of 86 to 100 quietly.

And it’s during those early Go-Go years that retirees with pent-up dreams for their golden years often make big purchases that they can end up regretting.

Read more at Yahoo Finance

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